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    layout: lyricaltragedy
    inspiration: reversescollide
    Saturday, March 17, 2007

    Thursday, March 15, 2007
    With Jaslyn Nat Beefy Ying :)
    OMG SO FUN PLS! And we ate a lot a lot a lot, A LOT.
    Sashimi, sushi, tempura, teppanyaki,
    fondue, cakes, ice cream & MORE.
    Like, the feast of the 5 queens. HAAHAHAHHA.

    Ying took sooooooo much food for us!
    We only sat for less than 15 mins and our table was already full.
    Almost had to stack up those plates! HAAAA.
    Then when we couldn't force down anymore food,
    We'll look at Ying ('cos she was the one who took most of the food)
    And she'll say "OK. GIVE ME" with her hand stretched out.

    So we indulged in food for 2 whole hours.
    Then had a short break followed by a dessert feast.
    And the fondue! WAH, heavennnnnnn :)

    Then Nat left for work, Beefy & Ying went home,
    while Jaslyn & I headed to Marina Sq.
    Went to exchange my faded skinnies for a black one.
    The lady's nice so it was easy task ;)
    To think I actually fretted about it the whole night.

    Towned after.
    Our tummies were hurting and our legs were aching,
    But we continued shopping! Hahahaha.
    Skipped dinner since we had such a heavy lunch.
    Home sweet home by 9.

    AND NOW.
    Okay, toodlessssssss!

    Monday, March 12, 2007
    I just realised how far we've drifted ever since secondary school ended. But thank goodness there's such thing called Friendster! Hahaha. So I was msn-ing with Genevieve, my long-lost friend, just now :) She became so humourous! I was like HAHAHA-ing and LOLLL-ing throughout the entire convo. AHHHH. SAJC sounds so fun pls! SHE AND ALL HER HANDSOMES. And it seems like majority are soccer players! I know it's okay to talk about guys now 'cos we're all young and still growing up! :D Plus! She offered to give me more updates when she's back to school next week! YAY HAHAHAHA!

    Watched "Which Star Are You From?" in the afternoon. Another tear-jerker drama! WAHHH. The male lead is damn good-looking! But the female lead looks very young. Maybe it's the effect of her ponytails. Oh and it reminded me of my primary school classmate. Hahaha! I just started watching this show only today, btw. Jaslyn la! She say not bad so I watched :) But it made me tear so much. Hahaha. Okay back to the show. Can someone please enlighten me how Shengxi know Huixiu and where is Huixiu now? Did she die? And how did she die! OMG I'M LIKE SO LOST :(

    Had seafood dinner with Grandma just now, all the way as Tuas! I ate so much crab that I so felt like puking. Oh! And my sister didn't get to eat her crab pincers 'cos it slipped and flew off her fingers and landed under my chair. HOW SAD RIGHT! So much meat la! Hahahahaha. I feel fat now though :( But I'm still feeling happy after the meal 'cos Daddy won 4D and so it was his treat! :) Oh oh! And the mango was gooooood. So sweeeeeet :D

    Dinner with Jaslyn yesterday wasn't too bad too! Even though it was just a bowl of century egg porridge at 24 hours :) So she was updating me about her first day at work! Sounds interesting! But poor thing she couldn't bathe and her fbts was soaking wet. Hahaha. And then I spotted her eyecandy ordering porridge beside us! :D She's like so happy la! Plus, she found out his name too, after sooooo long. Hahaha! He became better looking too! Teehee. No more ugly chin, serious eyebags and carry bag low low. GUESS WHO! Hahahaha.

    Lastly! Our Kuishinbo date is finally fixed?! Whoopeeee! :D

    Wednesday, March 07, 2007
    Sumatra's earthquake woke me up yesterday. My whole bed was like vibrating la! I thought I was still in lalaland so I happily went back to sleeeeeeep :)

    Then Jaslyn called at 1 plus to remind me to check my JAE posting! Got into SP's Biomed together with Beefy my twinnn :D I can already forsee 3 exciting years ahead! Hahahahaha. Plus! I can still go to school with Jaslyn my beloved although she told me straight in the face she doesn't want to see me everyday. But I know deep down inside she felt otherwise! ;) And! Not forgetting those who got into SP/NP as well! Tell me who you are and we can take train together! Oh man I'm getting highhhhhhh! If anyone realised, that's mainly for the going-to-school part. My first year modules are so Chem based and I hardly passed Chem! So how can I not start worrying aye.

    On a brighter note, I went to play Pool again! Jaslyn & I make the more-or-less-perfect duo! We won 4 consecutive games against Joanna & Angela. Teehee. But we swopped partners after that. And Joanna is seriously very dependent on the bridge! No bridge used = No ball potted. Hahahahaha. But no doubt we had 3 hair-raising hours of shooting and not forgetting, fouling! Hahaha. Thank you babessssssssss I had a lot of fun! :)))))

    Just for laughs,


    Tuesday, March 06, 2007

    So Sunday was the last day of CNY! Had buffet dinner with the extended family :D And each family was given a candle to bring home since it was Yuan Xiao Jie.

    I love yesterday! The sun was shining so brightly after a few consecutive days of heavy rain :) Swimming with Jaslyn in the afternoon. Supposed to meet at 11 but I overslept and we met at 1 plus instead. Rushed like maddd and I looked like some oubasan. Applied Spf 50 but Jaslyn still got tanned while I was just a shade darker. We swam only 3 laps in 2 hours. Very pathetic, I know. Hahahahaha.

    Lunched at Hei Sushi. Ate quite a lot I think. Jaslyn ate _____ ! Hahaha. Nat came to meet us for awhile before going down to Syy's place. Shared our Strawberry Smile dessert :)

    Nat left while Jaslyn and I walked over to play Pool. Jaslyn's friend Wilson Koh was there with his friends too. Funny people! They forgot to remove the rack before playing. So there was this loud "Piang!" sound when one of them shooted, and balls started jumping off the table. Anyhow, played for about 2 hours or so. We were sort of the noise-iest 'cos we kept shouting "Eh foul la!" and "Hurry foul leh!" How embarrassing. But it was fun! Hahahahaha.

    Anyway, Posting's out in about mmm, 6 more hours time!

    Saturday, March 03, 2007
    I kind of enjoyed myself on Friday! Met Jaslyn, Angela & Joanna for pool in the afternoon :) It was overall quite fun I suppose. Just that I dropped my cue on the floor which was effing embarrassing and others were staring. Haha! Then we had a quick bite at White Sands before heading down to NUS ;)

    Oh and we saw Mervin & Xiao Qiang pitching at Clementi but they couldn't see us. They looked rather sad so I guess sales was bad. Plus! It was raining quite heavily. I was then reminded of my record breaking day when I sold only 4 cards at Holland Village. Well, it has been more than a month already.

    Anyway! Cabbed into the campus, checked out the Kent Ridge Hall then climbed all the way up to the canteen :) Their chicken is rice damn cheap. Had yoghurt ice cream after that. I stupidly chose oreo, chocolate chip, and what, strawberry while Jaslyn & Joanna had bananas instead. Mine tasted so sour la please.

    After which, we went back to the hall and my tian, the queue was terribly long. It rained again, so the four of us had to squeeze under one small umbrella while sharing a cup of ice cream. We only managed to get into the hall about an hour later. Besides the fact that there were so many cheena man standing behind us, the event on the whole was quite alright.

    And I love their hostel! It's located right beside the hall so many came down for the event. It looks very cosy and well-furnished. Comparable to the one shown in Hana Kimi. Mwahahahaha! Angela left first while we waited for Joanna's sister to cab back together after her class. We walked a lot. All the way from Kent Ridge Drive to Law Link to Arts Link and finally to FOASS building.

    Oh and thank you Jaslyn for being my pole when I almost slipped and could've tumbled down the slope. LOL. And! Thank you Joanna & sister for the ride back :) Laughed a lot during the ride although we were oh so very tired. We shared about the sweetest, weirdest and scariest dreams we've had. I can't believe I actually had the guts to share with them my sweetest dream. So pai seh la.

    So today yesterday was another day spent at home with my eyes glued onto the teevee. Dad subscribed a few more channels a few days back. Channel [V] is loveee! Watched Lollipop for 2 hours followed by Blackie's Show for 3 hours :) And the best thing was, BBT was the guest for Blackie's Show for 2 episodes. So I had 4 hours of BBT in total! Gee. And and! They kept repeating Chun's NIKKEN advertisement today :D Hahahahahaha.

    Thursday, March 01, 2007
    I quite like AHS yearbook! Though its rather cheena with the sheng gong hui word printed quite huge on the cover, but it still looks classy and all. Hard cover somemore. Haha! So I came across the graduating classes' pages and saw many familiar faces :) Also spotted some pretty & not-so-pretty people whom we used to see on Bus 17 everyday! The well-known counsellor in SJAB, the pervertic one in Boys Brigade, the monkeys, the butch, the one who prays the rosary on his way to school, and last but not least the hardworking one whom we miao-ed reading SS textbook after school. Oh, memories memories! Hahaha.

    Someone has been pissing me off real bad lately. I mean, who would start Lalala~ing to you on msn when your status is already so clearly stated - busy. I won't mind if that person's some close friend but hey, I only know him during the last few days back in DA. So I can only close his window whenever he strikes a conversation 'cos blocking him will be a little too obvious. Plus, his english is atrocious quite bad. He spells forfeit and fofit. And, according to Jaslyn, he spells Orchard Road as Orchid Road. I swear my 6 year old nephew can do a much better job. Someone please get him an Oxford dictionary for his birthday.

    Anyway! I think I like Bang Bang Tang. Caught the repeat of YLBFB last night and oh man, they're cute! Brian can do breaking with a basketball and Fabien can really sing. They're like the best 2 la. Haha! I don't really know about the other 4 members but I know the shortest one can dance with his legs hooked onto a chair. Quite a cool boyband huh! Hahaha.